Event of recognition of the Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu Accreditations

The Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities chaired the ceremony to recognize the Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu Accreditations, awarded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, through the State Research Agency (AEI), to centers and research units of excellence in our country.

Antonio Cabrales, attended as director of the unit of the Department of Economics.

Link to the new of the event here.

Link to the video here.

2nd Madrid Micro Retreat

On June 10 and 11 we celebrate the 2nd Madrid Micro retreat learning about the state of ideas from Micro People at uc3m and other institutions.

In a packed two days of intense research discussion we could also establish new bonds and ideas for future work and collaboration. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Here is the program

Isabel Micó awarded with the FUNCAS prize for her Doctoral Thesis

En Madrid, a 24 de mayo de 2024:

El Jurado del Premio Enrique Fuentes Quintana, categoría de Economía, Finanzas y Empresa, compuesto por las personas que aparecen referenciadas en el margen izquierdo, ha acordado por unanimidad otorgar el premio, en su convocatoria 2022-2023, a la tesis doctoral siguiente:

Essays on Household and Public Finance de la Dra. Isabel Micó Millán de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Directores de tesis Dr. Juan José Dolado y Dr. Paraskevi Pappa

Se firma la presente acta para dejar constancia del resultado de las deliberaciones.


Santiago Carbó Valverde (Presidente)
Marí Paz Espinosa Alejos
Juan José Ganuza Fernández
Emilio Huerta Arribas
Santiago Lago Peñas
Félix Lobo Aleu
María José Moral Rincón
Francisco Rodríguez Fernández
Vicente Salas Fumás