Florian Schuett (Leuven) "Is This Obvious?" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Florian Schuett (Leuven) "Is This Obvious?" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Kurt Mitman (CEMFI) "Consumer Bankruptcy as Aggregate Demand Management" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Camille Urvoy (U. Mannheim) "Hosting Media Bias: Evidence from the Universe of French Broadcasts, 2002-2020" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Marc Möller (Bern) "Selecting the Best: The Persistent Effects of Luck" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Frode Steen (NHH) "Increasing prices ≠ Increasing prices" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Christoph Trebesch (Kiel Institute) "International Lending in War and Peace, 1790-2020" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Clodomiro Ferreira (Banco de España) "Housing Tenure, Consumption and Household Debt: Life-Cycle Dynamics during a Housing Bust" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Benny Geys (Norwegian Business School) "Income Windfalls and Charitable Giving: Evidence from Norwegian Register Data, 2000-2021" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Anja Prummer (Linz) "An Organizational Theory of Unionization" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Barbara Petrongolo (Oxford/Nuffield College) "Vacancy duration and wages" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39