Raquel  Carrasco

Associate Professor
Microeconometrics, Panel Data Econometrics, Labor Economics and Family Economics
+34 91 624 9583 Office: 15.2.30
Personal website - Currículum Vitae


Raquel Carrasco is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, University Carlos III de Madrid since 2004. She completed her PhD at CEMFI in 1999 and her areas of expertise cover Microeconometrics and Applied Economics. She has been Vice Dean of Economics at the School of Law and Social Sciences and Academic Secretary of the Department of Economics. She has been Associated Editor of Series, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, and Deputy member of the Council of the Spanish Economic Association.

Selected Publications

“Do Temporary Help Agencies Help? Employment Transitions for Low-Skilled Workers”, with I. Gálvez-Iniesta and B. Jerez, Labour Economics, 2024, forthcoming.

“Worker flows and wage dynamics: Estimating wage growth without composition effects”, with J.I. García-Pérez and J.F. Jimeno, Oxford Economic Papers, 2024, 76(1), 94-114. DOI: 10.1093/oep/gpac049.

“Estimation of Dynamic Nonlinear Random Effects Models with Unbalanced Panels”, with P. Albarrán and J. Carro, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2019, 81(6), 1424-1441, DOI:10.1111/obes.12308.

“Does the Breadwinner´s Gender Matter? Employment and the Risk of Domestic Violence”, with C. Alonso-Borrego, Applied Economics, 2017, 49(50), 5074-5091. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2017.1299103.

“The Effect of Immigration on the Labor Market Performance of Native-Born Workers: Some Evidence for Spain”, with J.F. Jimeno and C. Ortega, Journal of Population Economics, 2008, 21(3), 627-648. DOI: 10.1007/s00148-006-0112-9.

“Consumption and Habits: Evidence from Panel Data”, with J.M. Labeaga and D. Lopez-Salido, The Economic Journal, 2005, 115, 144-165. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2004.00963.x.

“Binary Choice Panel Data Models with Predetermined Variables”, with M. Arellano, Journal of Econometrics, 2003, 115, 125-157. DOI: 10.1016/S0304-4076(03)00095-2.

“Binary Choice with Binary Endogenous Regressors in Panel Data: The Effect of Fertility on Female Labour Force Participation”, Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, 2001, 19(4), 385-394,. DOI:10.1198/07350010152596637.

Recent Research

“Temporary Agency Work and Labor Misallocation”, with I. Gálvez-Iniesta and B. Jerez.

“Employment Protection by Job Retention Schemes in a Segmented Labor Market”, with V. Hernanz and J.F. Jimeno.

“The impact of tax incentives on post-retirement income flows”, with E. Villanueva.

“Non-Linear Panel Data Models with Predetermined Variables and Endogenous Groups”, with J. Carro.


Econometría (Grado), Economía Aplicada (Grado), Introductory Econometrics (Grado en Filosofía, Política y Economía), Applied Economics (Master in Economic Analysis), Microeconometrics (Master in Economics and Master in Industrial Economics and Markets), Econometrics (Master in Economic Development and Growth).