Emmanuel Petrakis
Visiting professor
- Currículum Vitae
Emmanuel Petrakis is currently Visiting Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), a BA and MA in Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business, and a BSc in Marine Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). He was Professor of Industrial Organization and Policy at the Department of Economics, University of Crete (1998 – 2023). He was Visiting Professor for 10 years at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and for 2 years at Erasmus University, The Netherlands. He was Associate Editor of European Economic Review (2003-2012). His research covers various fields in Economics, such as Industrial Organization Theory and Policy, Labor Economics and Bargaining, Environmental Economics, Digital Economy and Internet Economics. He has 60 publications (most of them) in highly ranked international journals. He has over 1200 citations and an h-index 20 in Scopus
Recent Reaserch
General Equilibrium, Welfare and Policy when Firms have Market Power (con D. Moreno).
Corporate Social Responsibility and Bargaining in Unionized Markets (con M. Alipranti and C. Manasakis).
Cross-ownership in duopoly: Is there any incentive to divest? (con R. Pal).
Endogenous Contracts in Vertically Related Markets (con C. Milliou, P. Skartados, and N. Vettas)
Welfare Enhancing Time Consistent Environmental Policy in Imperfectly Competitive Markets (con D. Basak, and A. Xepapadeas)
Disclosure Regime of Contract Terms and Bargaining in Vertical Markets (con P. Skartados)
Main Publications
C. Milliou and E. Petrakis (2023): “Vertical contracts and entry” Journal of Industrial Economics (forthcoming).
C. Cabolis, C. Manasakis, D. Moreno and E. Petrakis (2021): “The Interactions of R&D Investments and Horizontal Mergers”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 187, 507–534.
E. Petrakis and N. Tsakas (2018): “The Effect of Entry on R&D Networks”, Rand Journal of Economics, 49(3), 706–750.
P. Garella and E. Petrakis (2008): “Minimum Quality Standards and Consumer’s Information”, Economic Theory, 36(2), 283-302.
H. Bester, and E. Petrakis (2003): “Wages and Productivity Growth in a Competitive Industry”, Journal of Economic Theory, 109 (1), 52-69.
E. Petrakis, and S. Roy (1999): “Cost Reducing Investment, Competition and Industry Dynamics”, International Economic Review, 40(2), 381-401