José Luis Ferreira-García
Associate Professor. Master's Director of Industrial Economics and Markets
Game Theory, Industrial Organization, Experimental Economics and Methodology of Economics
+34 91 624 9580 Office: 15.2.35
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José Luis Ferreira has a degree in Economics from Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea-Universidad del País Vasco and P.hD. in Economics from Northwestern University. He has been visiting University of Pennsylvania, ITAM and Chapman University.
He currently holds the positions of Director of the Master in Economics, Head of Studies of the Master in Economics and Industrial Markets, Secretary of the Institute of Economics, Member of the Faculty of the University and Member of the Governing Council of the University
He also collaborates in the following blogs: Nada es Gratis, Mappingignorance and Filosofía en la Red
Main Publications
Ferreira, J.L., Kujal, P., and Rassenti, S. “Multiple openings and competitiveness of forward markets: experimental evidence” Plos One 2017, 11:7. e0158098.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158098.
Bovens, L., and Ferreira, J.L. “Monty Hall drives a wedge between Judy Benjamin and the Sleeping Beauty: a reply to Bovens” Analysis. 2010
Ferreira, J.L. “The role of observability in futures markets”. The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics. 2010
Ferreira, J.L. , and Zamora, J. “An economic model of scientific rules”. Economics and Philosophy. 2006
Ferreira, J.L. “Strategic interaction between futures and spot markets”. Journal of Economic Theory. 2003
Ferreira, J.L. “Endogenous Formation of Coalitions in Non-Cooperative Games”. Games and Economic Behavior. 1999
Doctorado: Teoría de Juegos, Microeconomía I, Microeconomía II, Economía de las Organizaciones.
Master: Teoría de Juegos, Economía de la Información, Organización Industrial.
Grado o Licenciatura: Teoría de los Juegos, Principios de Economía, Metodología, Economía de la Información, Seminario Interdisciplinar (Filosofía, CC PP y Economía), Economía de las Organizaciones, Matemáticas para la Economía.