
Postdoctoral researcher
Energy and Environmental Economics, Health Economics
Office: 15.2.42
Personal website - Currículum Vitae


Imelda is a postdoctoral researcher at the Economics Department at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Her research explores the intersection of energy, health and environmental economics, looking at how variable pricing can reduce the costs of renewable energy in electricity markets and how the energy transition can impact health and human behavior. She obtained her PhD in Economics in 2018 at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Main Publications

Cooking That Kills: Cleaner Energy, Indoor Air Pollution, and Health [Journal of Development Economics, 2020]

Indoor Air Pollution and Infant Mortality: A New Approach [American Economic Association P&P, 2018]

Recent Research

Clean Energy Access: Gender Disparity, Health, and Labor Supply [with Anjali P Verma] (R&R in the Economic Journal)

Variable Pricing and the Cost of Renewable Energy [with Michael J. Roberts and Matthias Fripp] (RR in the Energy Journal)