Diego Moreno
Full Professor
Microeconomics, Theory of Games and Industrial Economics
Office: 15.2.41
- Currículum Vitae - Research and Publications
Diego Moreno, Ph.D. State University of New York, is a professor of economics at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. His current topics of research inquire into the role of information in competitive environments (e.g., markets with adverse selection) and strategic settings (e.g., contests), as well as on the design of regulatory policies under imperfect competition (e.g., policy guidelines on mergers and acquisitions). He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Public Economic Theory and the International Game Theory Review.
Selected Publications
Moreno, D. , and Takalo, T.: Optimal Bank Transparency. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2016) 48: 203-231.
Moreno, D., and Wooders, J.: Auctions with heterogeneous entry costs. RAND Journal of Economics (2011) 42: 313-336.
Moreno, D., and Úbeda, L.: Capacity precommitment and Price Competition yield Cournot outcomes. Games and Economic Behavior (2006) 556: 323-332.
Einy, E., Moreno, D., and Shitovitz, B.: Information Advantage in Cournot Oligopoly. Journal of Economic Theory (2002) 106: 151-160.
Einy, E., Moreno, D., and Shitovitz, B.: Competitive and Core Allocations in Large Economies with Differential Information. Economic Theory (2001) 18: 321-332.
Moreno, D. y Wooders, J.: Coalition-proof equilibrium. Games and Economic Behavior (1996) 17: 80-112.
Recent Research
Aiche, A., Einy, E., Haimanko, O., Moreno, D., Sela, A., and Shitovitz, B.: Information Advantage in Common-Value Classic Tullock Contests. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Working Paper 16-18.
Cabolis, C., Manasakis, C. Moreno, D., and Petrakis, E.: R&D Investments Fostering Horizontal Mergers. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Working Paper 16-09.
Lemus, B., and Moreno, D.: The Non-Neutrality of the Arm's Length Principle with Imperfect Competition. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Working Paper 11-34.
Microeconomía. Economía de la Información. Microeconomics II (Másteres en Economía y en Economía Industrial).