Carmelo Nuñez-Sanz
Associate Professor
Mathematics, Game Theory and Microeconomics
+34 91 624 9631 Office: 15.2.27
- Currículum Vitae
Carmelo Nuñez is Ph.D. in Mathematics in Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
VVice-Dean of the Economics degree, coordinator of the mathematics subject for Economics I and professor of the Economics Department of the Carlos III University of Madrid since 1991. Previously, during the period from 1982 to 1991 he was a professor in the Faculty of Mathematics at the University Complutense of Madrid.
Selected Publications
Crespo, J., Nuñez, C., and Rincón-Zapatero J.P. "On the impossibility of representing infinite utility streams". Economic Theory, vol 40, pags 47-56, 2009, 10 citations
Hervés, C., Moreno, E., Nuñez, C., and Pascoa, M. "Blocking Efficacy of Small Coalitions in Myopic Economies". Journal of Economic Theory, vol 93, pags 72-86, 2000, 9 citations
Nuñez, C. "Characterization of Banach-Saks spaces of vector-valued continuous functions with the weak Banach-Saks property". Illinois Journal of Mathematics, vol 33, pags 27-41, 1989, 6 citations
Undergraduate in Economics, Business Management, Economics-Law and Business-Law: Maths for the Economics I and II, Game Theory Master in Economics: Mathematics Master in Economic Analysis: Mathematics