Boris Ginzburg
Associate Professor. Ramón y Cajal Res.
Microeconomics and Political Economy
+34 91 624 9595 Office: 15.2.13
Personal website
Boris Ginzburg has a PhD in Economics from University College London. He is Associate Professor at the UC3M Department of Economics.
Selected Publications
Denter, P., Dumav, M., and Ginzburg, B., "Social Connectivity, Media Bias, and Correlation Neglect ". Economic Journal, forthcoming.
Ginzburg, B., and Guerra, J.A. "When Collective Ignorance is Bliss: Theory and Experiment on Voting for Learning". Journal of Public Economics, 2019.
Ginzburg, B. "Optimal Information Censorship". Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2019.
Recent Research
Ginzburg, B., Guerra, J.A., and Lekfuangfu, W.N. "Counting on My Vote Not Counting: Expressive Voting in Committees", 2021.
Cárdenas, J.C., Ginzburg, B., and Guerra, J.A. "Guns, Pets, and Strikes: An Experiment on Identity and Political Action", 2021.
Denter, P., and Ginzburg, B., "Troll Farms and Voter Disinformation", 2021.
Ginzburg, B. "Slacktivism", 2021.
Game Theory (undergraduate)
Microeconomics (graduate)