Belén Jerez
Full Professor
General Theory of Equilibrium, Asymmetric Information and Macroeconomics
+34 91 624 9633 Office: 15.2.51
Personal website - Currículum Vitae
Belén Jerez obtained her PhD from the Department of Economics at the University of California-Los Angeles in 1999 and was subsequently a visiting professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (1999-2002). She is currently a Professor in the Department of Economics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where she was director of the PhD program between 2019 and 2022. Her main research interests are General Equilibrium Theory and Search Theory. The results of her research have been published in international academic journals such as The Economic Journal, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Political Economy, International Economic Review, Review of Economic Dynamics, and European Economic Review, among others. She has been a visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of British Columbia.
Main Publications
Díaz, A., Rincón-Zapatero, J.P., and Jerez, M.B. “Housing Prices and Credit Constraints in Competitive Search”. The Economic Journal, 2023
Jerez, M.B. “Competitive Search with Two-Sided Risk Aversion”. European Economic Review, 157, 2023
Jerez, M.B. “Competitive Equilibrium with Search Frictions: a General Equilibrium Approach”. Journal of Economic Theory, 153, 2014
Díaz, A., and Jerez, M.B. “House Prices, Sales, and Time on the Market: A Search-Theoretic Framework" International Economic Review 54 , 2013
Gottardi, P, and Jerez, M. B. “Comment on `Bertrand and Walras Equilibria under Moral Hazard’” Journal of Political Economy 115 2007
Faig, M, and Jerez, M.B. “A Theory of Commerce,” Journal of Economic Theory, 122, 2005
Recent Research
Intermediation in labor markets, with R. Carrasco and I. Gálvez-Iniesta.
Dynamic Macroeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Graduate Microeconomics (General Equilibrium Theory), Graduate Advanced Macroeconomics (Search Theory and Macroeconomic Applications)