Antoine Loeper

Associate Professor (Ramón y Cajal Res.). Master´s Director in Economic Analysis
Political Economy and Microeconomics
+34 91 624 5738 Office: 15.2.17
Personal website - Research and Publications


Antoine Loeper obtained his PhD at the Toulouse School of Economics (2001-2006). After defending his  PhD, he  was hired as an assistant professor at MEDS, the theory department of the Kellogg School of Management. In 2011, he returned to Europe at the  economics department of Universidad Carlos III. He left temporarily Carlos III in the academic year 2015-2016 for a research fellowship at Banco de España.

Main Publications

Dziuda, Wiola, and Loeper, A. "Dynamic Pivotal Politics" American Political Science Review, 2018

Dziuda, W., and Loeper, A. "Dynamic Collective Choice with Endogenous Status quo" Journal of Political Economy, 2016

Loeper, A., Steiner, J., and Stewart, C. "Influential Opinion Leaders". The Economic Journal, Volume 124

Loeper, A. "Federal Directives, Local Discretion, and the Majority Rule". Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2013

Loeper, A. "Coordination in Heterogeneous Federal Systems". Journal of Public Economics, 2011


Undergraduate: Political Economy
Graduate: Microeconomics II (Game Theory)