Bent Nielsen. (Oxford University). "Asymptotic theory of M-estimators for multiple linear regression in time series ". Attendance Confirmation
Bent Nielsen. (Oxford University). "Asymptotic theory of M-estimators for multiple linear regression in time series ". Attendance Confirmation
Jörg Breitung. (University of Cologne). "Asymmetric impulse responses". Attendance Confirmation
Peter Arcidiacono. (Duke University). "Ex Ante Return and Occupational Choice". Attendance Confirmation
Sorawoot Srisuma. University of Surrey, School of Economics. "Semiparametric Estimation of Ascending Auctions". Attendance Confirmation.
Hillel Rapoport. (Paris School of Economics). "Let the knowledge flow: a natural experiment of Yugoslavian refugees in Germany". Attendance confirmation.
Dirk Foremny. (UB). Revenue Shocks and Fiscal Capacity: Evidence from Brazil. Attendance confirmation.
James M. Snyder. (Harvard University). Primary Elections and Candidate-Centered Campaigns. Attendance confirmation.
Andreas Moxnes. (University of Oslo). Opening the Floodgates: Immigration and Structural Change. Attendance confirmation.
Manuela Angelucci. (University of Texas at Austin). The Market Marriage for Lemons: HIV Testing and Marriage in Rural Malawi. Attendance confirmation.
Thomas Dohmen. (University of Bonn, IZA). Global Evidence on Economic Preferences and Outcomes.