PHD Student Workshop – Applied Economics Session

Virtual Workshop

Applied Economics Session   Chair: Warn Lekfuangfu. 11:40 -12:00 - Henry Redondo - TBA 12:00 -12:15 - María Alexandra Castellanos - TBA 12:15 -12:30 - Lukas Delgado - Firm-level Adjustments and Immigration in Colombia 12:30 -12:45 - Lorenzo de Masi - TBA   GATHERTOWN BREAK II: 12:45   Virtual workshop - Join the meetings here.

PHD Student Workshop – Macroeconomics

Virtual Workshop

Macroeconomics Session   Chair: Andrés Erosa. 10:50 -11:10 - Florencia Airaudo - On the sources of debt crises: an Endogenous Regime-Switching Approach. 11:10 -11:30 - Fernando Riveiro - Capital Misallocation and High-Growth Firms in Spain. 11:30 -11:50 - Morteza Ghomi - Short-run Consequences of Government Infrastructural Investment. 11:50 -12:10 - Isabel Micó - Marital Property Regime, Gender […]

PHD Student Workshop – Econometrics Session

Virtual Workshop

Econometrics Session   Chair: Juan Carlos Escanciano. 11:00 -11:30 - Weifeng Jin - Estimation of Time Series Models Using Quantile Spectral Density. 11:30 -12:00 - Maciej - TBA. 12:00 -12:30 - Miguel Angel Cabello - Estimation of Structural VARMA models Using Characteristic Function.   SESSION BREAK: 12:30 - 12:40   12:40 -13:00 - Telmo Pérez - […]

PhD Student Workshop – Econometrics Session


Econometrics Session   Chair: Jesús Gonzalo 09:00 -09:15 - Joan Alegre - Sensitivity in parametric models. 09:15 -09:30 - Facundo Argañaraz - Fragile Identification and Overfitted Models. 09:30 -09:45 - Andrey Ramos - Paleowarming. 09:45 -10:05 - Antonio Raiola - Counterfactual Analysis Based on Grouped Data: Application to Poverty and Material deprivation.   SESSION BREAK: 10:05 […]

PhD Student Workshop – Applied Economics Session


Applied Economics Session   Chair: Jesús Fernández-Huertas 10:45 -11:00 - Camila Steffens - E-commerce and local labor markets. 11:00 -11:20 - María Alexandra Castellanos - Learning Opportunities in a Dual Labour Market. 11:20 -11:50 - Henry Redondo - Understanding the recent evolution of wage inequality: Evidence from Spain.   SESSION BREAK: 11:50 - 12:00   12:00 -12:20 […]

PhD Student Workshop – Microeconomics Session


Microeconomics Session   Chair: Antonio Romero 13:15 -13:45 - Álvaro Delgado - Which Side are You On? Political Relational Contracts.   Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.1.A07 Or join the virtual session here

PhD Student Workshop – Macroeconomics Session I


Macroeconomics Session I   Chair: Evi Pappa 14:10 -14:25 - Oscar Jaulín - Ist shocks in heterogeneous firms. 14:25 -14:40 - Anastasios Koufakis - Entrepreneurship and wealth inequality in Spain. 14:40 -15:10 - Morteza Ghomi - Labor Market Frictions and the Transition to a Green Economy. 15:10 -15:40 - Isabel Micó - Marital Property Regime […]

PhD Student Workshop – Macroeconomics Session II


Macroeconomics Session II   Chair: Belén Jerez 12:40 -13:00 - Alvaro Jañez - Means-tested Programs and Internal Migration in the U.S.. 13:00 -13:30 - Lidia Cruces - Quantifying the Impact of Child Subsidies on Fertility and Female Labour Force Participation. 13:30 -14:00 - Fernando Riverio - Capital Misallocation and High-Growth Firms in Spain.   Face-to-face […]

PhD Student Workshop – Macroeconomics Session


Macroeconomics Session   Chair: Belén Jerez   11:15 -11:30 - Anastasios Koufakis - Top Wealth Inequality in Spain: A Generational Shift. 11:30 -11:45 - Oscar Jaulín - A Survey-based Instrument to Analyze Monetary Policy in Latin America. 11:45 -12:05 - Alvaro Jañez - Production Organization and Labor Market Concentration. 12:05 -12:35 - Isabel Micó - […]

PhD Student Workshop – Econometrics Session


Econometrics Session   Chair: Juan Carlos Escanciano   12:35 -12:50 - Andrey Ramos - From Paleo-Cooling to Paleo-Warming. 12:50 -13:05 - Joan Alegre - Robust Minimum Distance Inference in Structural Models. 13:05 -13:20 - Facundo Argañaraz - Locally Robust Inference for Models with Unobserved Heterogeneity. 13:20 -13:40 - Joël Terschuur - Debiased Semiparametric U-statistics: Machine […]