Anja Prummer (Linz) "An Organizational Theory of Unionization" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Anja Prummer (Linz) "An Organizational Theory of Unionization" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Eduardo Perez-Richet (Sciences Po) "Non-Market Screening with Investment" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Ludvig Sinander (Oxford) "Comparative statics with adjustment costs and the le Chatelier principle" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Paul Heidhues (DICE) "Misinterpreting Yourself" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Raphaël Levy (HEC) "Adverse selection and training" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Luis Cabral (NYU) "Asset Specificity and Inefficient Bargaining: Theory and Evidence from Television Shows" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Raquel Fernández (NYU) "Parental Leave: Economic Incentives and Cultural Change" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Alexey Kushnir (CMU) "Undergraduate Course Allocation through Competitive Markets" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
David Levine (Royal Holloway) "Behavioral Mechanism Design as a Benchmark for Experimental Studies" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Felipe Zurita (U. Chile) "Corrupt Voting: Information and Electoral Accountability, joint work with David K. Levine (Royal Holloway) and Federico Weinschelbaum (from Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Argentina)" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39