Sven Otto. (Cancelled) (Cologne University). "Unit Root Testing with Slowly Varying Trends". Attendance confirmation.
Sven Otto. (Cancelled) (Cologne University). "Unit Root Testing with Slowly Varying Trends". Attendance confirmation.
Francisco M. González. (University of Waterloo). "Mismatch as choice: a theory of bad jobs". Attendance confirmation.
Gautam Gowrisankaran. (University of Arizona). "Escalation of Scrutiny: The Gains from Dynamic Enforcement of Environmental Regulations" Attendance confirmation.
Sorawoot Srisuma. University of Surrey, School of Economics. "Semiparametric Estimation of Ascending Auctions". Attendance Confirmation.
Nicolas Vieille. (Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris, HEC). "On the Efficiency of Social Learning". Attendance Confirmation
Sergio de Ferra. Stockholm School of Economics. "Sovereign Default in a Monetary Union" with Federica Romei. Attendance confirmation.
Micael Castanheira. (ECARES and SBS-EM). "A Theory of Small Campaign Contributions". Attendance confirmation.
Taisuke Otsu. (LSE). "Inference on Measurement Error Model". Attendance confirmation.
Francisco Javier Rodríguez. (UC3M). "Marriage markets and rural-urban migration in China". Attendance confirmation.
Hillel Rapoport. (Paris School of Economics). "Let the knowledge flow: a natural experiment of Yugoslavian refugees in Germany". Attendance confirmation.