Lutz Weinke. (Humboldt-University of Berlin). Idiosyncratic Shocks, Lumpy Investment and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism. Attendance Confirmation.
Lutz Weinke. (Humboldt-University of Berlin). Idiosyncratic Shocks, Lumpy Investment and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism. Attendance Confirmation.
Enno Mammen. (Heidelberg University). Statistical inference in sparse high-dimensional nonparametric models. Attendance Confirmation.
Ennio Stachetti. (New York University). Reputation and Information Design.
Janet Currie. (Princeton University). Understanding Physician Decision Making: The Case of Depression. Attendance Confirmation.
Gernot Müller. (University of Tübingen). Exchange Rate Undershooting: Evidence and Theory. Attendance Confirmation.
Carlos Pimienta (UNSW). Costly Voting: A Large-Scale Real Effort Experiment. Attendance confirmation.
Aditya Kuvalekar. (UC3M). Fostering Collaboration. Attendance confirmation.
Dana Müller. (IAB). Data and Data Access at the Research Data Center of the IAB. Attendance confirmation.
Edouard Challe. (Ecole Polytechnique). Optimal Monetary Policy in HANK Economies. Attendance confirmation.
José Luis Moraga. (VU Amsterdam). Mergers and Innovation Portfolios. Attendance confirmation.