Jesse Schreger (Columbia Business School) "A Framework for Geoeconomics" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Jesse Schreger (Columbia Business School) "A Framework for Geoeconomics" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Alexey Kushnir (CMU) "Undergraduate Course Allocation through Competitive Markets" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Antonio de Araujo Laplana (Tilburg University) "Beyond the War on Drugs: Portugal’s Drug Decriminalization Reform and the Retornados Migration" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
David Levine (Royal Holloway) "Behavioral Mechanism Design as a Benchmark for Experimental Studies" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Felipe Zurita (U. Chile) "Corrupt Voting: Information and Electoral Accountability, joint work with David K. Levine (Royal Holloway) and Federico Weinschelbaum (from Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Argentina)" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Yasin Kursat Onder (Ghent) "Consumer Debt Moratoria" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Roland Rathelot (ENSAE) "How do migrants and natives search for jobs?” joint with Marion Brouard, Lena Hensvik and Thomas Le Barbanchon" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Antonio Nicolo (University Manchester) "Dynamic One-Sided Matching" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Aitor Erce (UPNA) "Sovereing defaults at home and abroad" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Geert Mesters (UPF) "Innovation Powered Narrative Inference" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39