Scott Cunningham Masterclass


Scott Cunningham (Baylor University)   TBA   Campus Puerta de Toledo - Room -1.A.01

Luxuries, Necessities, and the Allocation of Time


Pedro Silos (Temple University)   "Luxuries, Necessities, and the Allocation of Time" (joint work with L. Fang and A. Hannusch)   Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39

PhD Student Workshop – Macroeconomics Session


Macroeconomics Session   Chair: Felix Wellschmied   ROOM 15.1.39 11:00 -11:20 - Anastasios Koufakis - Returns Cohort Luck and the Elderly Rich in Spain. 11:20 -11:45 - Sofía Sánchez - Liquidity kills you fast: the transmission of monetary policy. 11:35 -12:05 - Alvaro Jañez - Monopsony Power and Firm Organization. 12:05 -12:25 - Oscar Jaulín - […]

PhD Student Workshop – Econometrics Session


Econometrics Session   Chair: Juan Carlos Escanciano   ROOM 15.1.43 11:30-12:00 - Joël Terschuur - Policy learning with U-statistics: Inequality, Inequality of Opportunity and Intergenerational Mobility 12:00-12:30 - Antonio Raiola - Chi-squared Tests for Conditional Moment Restrictions. 12:30-12:50 - Andrey Ramos - A Quantile VECM to Analyze Climate Heterogeneity. 12:50-13:10 - Joan Alegre - Inference […]

PhD Student Workshop – Applied Economics Session


Applied Economics Session   ROOM 15.1.43   Chair: Ricardo Mora   11:45-12:00 - Runyang Wang - Dynamic searching model with uncertainty design: an extension to Doval (2018). 12:00-12:30 - Lorenzo de Masi - Municipal-Level Gender Norms: Measurement and Effects on Women in Politics. 12:30-12:45 - Oleksandra Cheipesh - Hidden Costs of Ban the Box Laws: Unraveling the […]