Product Reallocation and Market Concentration


Liangjie Wu (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance)   "Product Reallocation and Market Concentration"   Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here

Zero-hours contracts in a frictional labour market


Helen Turon (University of Bristol)   "Zero-hours contracts in a frictional labour market" joint with Juan José Dolado and Etienne Lalé   Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here

Are Managers paid for Market Power?


  Jan Eeckhout (UPF)   "Are Managers paid for Market Power?"   Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here  

Sovereign debt repatriation during crises


Laura Sunder-Plassmann (University of Copenhagen)   "Sovereign debt repatriation during crises"   Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here

Inequality and the Covid Crisis

Fundación Ramón Areces

Richard Blundell (UCL)   "Inequality and the Covid Crisis"   Fundación Ramón Areces - Salón de actos Click here for more information about the seminar