Marco Francesconi (University of Essex) "Does Paid Parental Leave Help or Hurt Mothers’ Economic Progress?" (joint with Gozde Corekcioglu and Astrid Kunze) Joint with the Applied seminars series Virtual seminar - Join the session here
Marco Francesconi (University of Essex) "Does Paid Parental Leave Help or Hurt Mothers’ Economic Progress?" (joint with Gozde Corekcioglu and Astrid Kunze) Joint with the Applied seminars series Virtual seminar - Join the session here
Liangjie Wu (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance) "Product Reallocation and Market Concentration" Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here
Helen Turon (University of Bristol) "Zero-hours contracts in a frictional labour market" joint with Juan José Dolado and Etienne Lalé Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here
Jan Eeckhout (UPF) "Are Managers paid for Market Power?" Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here
Laura Sunder-Plassmann (University of Copenhagen) "Sovereign debt repatriation during crises" Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here
Jérôme Adda (Bocconi) "There's More to Marriage than Love: The Effect of Legal Status and Cultural Distance on Intermarriages and Separations" Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here
Sebastián Fanelli (CEMFI) "Monetary Policy, Capital Controls, and International Portfolios" In-person seminar - Room 15.1.39
Dmitry Mukhin (London School of Economics) "Optimal Exchange Rate Policy" Face-to-face seminar - Room 15.1.39
Julien Bengui (Bank of Canada) "Uneven inflationary pressures and topsy-turvy capital flows" Face-to-face seminar - Room 15.1.39
Efi Adamopoulou (University of Mannheim) "The Long-Term Earnings’ Effects of a Credit Market Disruption" Face-to-face seminar - Room 15.1.39