Leo Kaas. (Goethe University). Firm dynamics with frictional product and labor markets. Attendance confirmation.
Leo Kaas. (Goethe University). Firm dynamics with frictional product and labor markets. Attendance confirmation.
Jan Grobovsek. (University of Edinburgh). Irrigation and Agricultural Productivity. Attendance confirmation.
Giulio Fella. (Queen Mary University of London). Nonlinear Household Earning Dynamics, Self-Insurance, and Welfare. Attendance Confirmation.
Dirk Krueger. (University of Pennsylvania). Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession. Attendance Confirmation.
Lutz Weinke. (Humboldt-University of Berlin). Idiosyncratic Shocks, Lumpy Investment and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism. Attendance Confirmation.
Gernot Müller. (University of Tübingen). Exchange Rate Undershooting: Evidence and Theory. Attendance Confirmation.
Edouard Challe. (Ecole Polytechnique). Optimal Monetary Policy in HANK Economies. Attendance confirmation.
Florian Exler. (University of Vienna). Consumer Credit with Over-Optimistic Borrowers. Attendance confirmation.
Juan Carlos Conesa. (Stony Brook University). Structural transformation and trade in Spain since 1850. Attendance cofirmation.