Fabio Canova. (Norwegian Business School). Mind the gap! Stylized dynamic facts and structural models. Attendance confirmation.
Fabio Canova. (Norwegian Business School). Mind the gap! Stylized dynamic facts and structural models. Attendance confirmation.
Almuth Scholl. (University of Konstanz). The Aggregate Consequence of Tac Evasion. Attendance confirmation.
Maximiliano Dvorkin. ( Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis). Sovereign Debt Restructurings. Attendance confirmation.
Federico Mandelman. (Atlanta FED). Intellectual Property, Tariffs, and International Trade Dynamics. Attendance confirmation.
Andrés Rodríguez-Clare. (University of California, Berkeley). The Textbook Case for Industrial Policy: Theory Meets Data. Attendance confirmation.
Gabriel Ulyssea. (University of Oxford). Formal and Informal Firm Dynamics. Attendance confirmation.
Vincent Sterk. (UCL). Stock Market Participation, Inequality, and Monetary Policy. Attendance confirmation.
Alejandro Vicondoa. (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile). Proxy-SVAR as a Bridge for Identification with Higher Frequency Data. Attendance confirmation.
Mathias Trabandt. (Freie Universität Berlin). Markup Shocks and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve. Attendance confirmation.
Árpád Ábrahám. (EUI). Climbing the Wage Ladders: Sources of Idiosyncratic Wage Dynamics (and Implications for Policy). Attendance confirmation.