Milan Quentel (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) "Gone with the Wind: Renewable Energy Infrastructure, Welfare, and Redistribution" Room 15.1.39
Milan Quentel (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) "Gone with the Wind: Renewable Energy Infrastructure, Welfare, and Redistribution" Room 15.1.39
Andrea Amelio (University of Bonn) "Social Learning, Behavioral Biases and Group Outcomes" Room 15.1.39
Clara Arroyo (CEMFI) "Commodity Booms, Markup Dispersion, and Misallocation" Room 15.1.39
En Hua Hu (University of Toronto) "Confidence in Inference" Room 15.1.39
Alina Ozhegova (Norwegian School of Economics) "Assortment Choice and Market Power under Uniform Pricing" Room 15.1.39
Jon Piqueras (University College London) "Unemployment Insurance, Inequality of Opportunity, and Labor Market Conditions" Room 15.1.39
Yassine Sbai Sassi (University of California, Berkeley) "A linear regression model for non-oriented dyadic data with interactive individual effects" Room 15.1.39
Alvaro Cox (Yale University) "From Classroom to Prosperity: Fostering Development Through Higher Education" Room 15.1.39
Philipp Grübener (Goethe University Frankfurt) "Firm Dynamics and Earnings Risk" Room 15.1.39
Facundo Argañaraz (UC3M) "Automatic Debiased Machine Learning of Structural Parameters with General Conditional Moments" Room 15.1.39