Carlo Galli. (UCL).   Is Inflation Default? The Role of Information in Debt Crises. Abstract: We study the information sensitivity of government debt denominated in domestic vs. foreign currency: the former is subject to inflation risk and the latter to default. Default only affects sophisticated bond traders, whereas inflation concerns a larger and […]

Capital Taxation and Stock Market Volatility

Virtual Seminar

Pau Belda i Tortosa (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)   "Capital Taxation and Stock Market Volatility"   Virtual seminar - Join the session here

The welfare cost of urban traffic regulations


Nicolas Martinez (TSE)   "The welfare cost of urban traffic regulations"   Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here

The Great Moderation and the Financial Cycle


Friedrich Lucke (TSE)   "The Great Moderation and the Financial Cycle"   Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.1.A05 Or join the virtual session here