Ingrid Van Keilegom. (KU Leuven). Estimation of the Frontier of a Variable observed with Symmetric Error. Attendance confirmation.
Ingrid Van Keilegom. (KU Leuven). Estimation of the Frontier of a Variable observed with Symmetric Error. Attendance confirmation.
Vittorio Bassi. (University of Southern California). Screening and Signaling Non-Cognitive Skills: Experimental Evidence from Uganda. Attendance confirmation.
Sven Otto. (Cologne University). Backward CUSUM for Testing and Monitoring Structural Change. Attendance confirmation.
Timothy Armstrong. (Yale University). Sensitivity Analysis using Approximate Moment Condition Models. Attendance confirmation.
James M. Snyder. (Harvard University). Primary Elections and Candidate-Centered Campaigns. Attendance confirmation.
Andreas Moxnes. (University of Oslo). Opening the Floodgates: Immigration and Structural Change. Attendance confirmation.
Manuela Angelucci. (University of Texas at Austin). The Market Marriage for Lemons: HIV Testing and Marriage in Rural Malawi. Attendance confirmation.