Aurelia Manuela Modrego Rico

Investigadora Honorífica
Economics of Education, Economics of R&D, Evaluation of Public Policies


Aurelia Modrego Rico has a PhD in Economics from the University of the Basque Country since 1986. Professor of Applied Economics, University of the Basque Country, 1987. Deputy Director of the National Evaluation and Foresight Agency, 1988. Lecturer in Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 1991. Deputy Director General for the General Promotion of Knowledge, 1991. Secretary of the Social Council, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 1977. Deputy Director of the Flores de Lemus Institute, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 1977. Coordinator of the DECIDES Project of the COSCE (Confederation of Spanish Scientific Societies)

Selected published papers

Modrego Rico, A. San Segundo, M.J. (1988). “Ecuaciones de rendimiento escolar para la evaluación de la reforma de las enseñanzas medias”. Revista de Educación. ISSN 0034-8082, Nº 287, 1988, págs. 147-179

Acosta, J., Modrego Rico, A. (2001): "Public financing of cooperative R&D projects in Spain: The Concerted Projects under the National R&D Plan". Research Policy, 30 (4), pp. 625-641.

Revilla, E., Sarkis, J., Modrego Rico, A. (2003): "Evaluating performance of public-private research collaborations: A DEA Analisis". Journal of the Operational Research Society 54 (2), pp. 165-174. Print ISSN 0160-5682 Online ISSN 1476-9360.

Vásquez-Urriago, A., Barge-Gil, A. , Modrego Rico, A. (2016). “Science and Technology Parks and cooperation for innovation: Empirical evidence from Spain”. Research Policy, 45, 137–147.

Recent Research

Modrego, A. (2019). “La política científica española, en el atolladero”. Investigación y Ciencia. Abril 2019, págs. 61-67.