Evi Pappa

Associate Professor
Macroeconomics, Fisca Policy , Monetary Economics, Open Economy Macroeconomics
+34 91 624 9623 Office: 15.1.61
Personal website - Currículum Vitae


I am an economist with several articles on Empirical Economic Research currently employed as at Universidad Carlos III Madrid working on topics at the intersection of macroeconomics, monetary policy and public finance within developed economies from a closed and an open economy perspective.

I have finished my PhD in 2001 at UPF in Barcelona and since then have held positions in different universities in Europe (LSE, Bocconi, UAB, University of Bern and the EUI). Since my research interests and expertise are related to monetary and fiscal policy issues, I acted as a visiting researcher and consultant in many Central Banks. Recently in the Bank of Spain, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, and the European Central Bank. I am also a Research Fellow of the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and a member of the Euro Area Business Cycle Dating Committee (EABCDC) and in the panel of experts for the Centre for Macroeconomics (CFM). I serve as an associate editor of the Economic Journal, the Journal of International Economics, the B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics and the Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. Last but not least, I am a member of the European Economic Association Standing Committee on Women in Economics.


Main Publications

Gnocchi, S., Hauser, D., and Pappa, E. “Housework and Fiscal Expansions” Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 79, May 2016, Pages 94–108.

Ben Zeev, N., Pappa, E., and Vicondoa, A. " Emerging economies business cycles: The role of commodity terms of trade news " Journal of International Economics108, 368-376, September 2017.

Ben Zeev, N., and Pappa, E. "Chronicle of a War Foretold: The Macroeconomic Effects of Anticipated Defense Spending Shocks" Economic Journal127, 1568–1597, August 2017.

Lagerborg, A., Morten, R., and Pappa, E. "Does Economic Insecurity Really Impact on Gun Violence at US Schools?" Nature Human Behaviour 1-2, 7th May 2018

“The cyclical effects of monetary policy on inequality under capital-skill complementarity”, with J. J. Dolado and G. Motyovszki. forthcoming American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.


Doctoral Program: Topics in Macroeconomics

Undergraduate: International Macro