Ángel Hernando-Veciana
Full Professor. Master's Director of Industrial Economics and Markets
Microeconomics, Mechanism Design and Information Economy
+34 91 624 9602 Office: 15.1.63
Personal website - Currículum Vitae
Ángel Hernando obtained his doctorate from University College London in 2001. He is currently a full professor in the Department of Economics at the Carlos III University of Madrid, where he has been the main coordinator of the subject "Principles of Economics" since 2004. He has a solid record of publications in Economic theory with several publications in leading journals.
Main Research
Hernándo Á., and Michelucci, F. "Inefficient Rushes in Auctions". Theoretical Economics. Forthcoming.
Beker, P, and Hernándo Á. “The Dynamics of Bidding Markets with Financial Constraints”. Journal of Economic Theory, 2015
Börgers, T., Hernándo, Á., and Krähmer, D. “When Are Signals Complements or Substitutes?”. Journal of Economic Theory 2013
Hernándo Á., and Michelucci, F. “Second Best Efficiency and The English Auction”. Games and Economic Behavior,2011
Hernándo Á., and Trögue M. "The Insider's Curse" Games and Economic Behavior, 2011
Hernándo Á. "Information Acquisition in Auctions: Sealed Bids vs. Open Bids". Games and Economic Behavior, 2009
Principles of Economics Microeconomics I and III (PhD) Introductory Microeconomics Regulatory Economics (Postgraduate) Mechanism Design (PhD) Auction theory (PhD)