Andrés Erosa
Full Professor
Macroeconomics, Growth and Economic Development, Monetary Theory, Public Finance, Labor Economics
Office: 15.1.09
Personal website - Currículum Vitae
Andrés Erosa obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota in 1996. He worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of Western Ontario (1996-2000) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2001-2002). After that, he worked at the University of Toronto (tenured Associate Professor in 2006). Since 2012 he holds a Full Professor position at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid where he was the director of the Ph.D. program from 2014 until 2019.
Andrés Erosa's research interests cover a set of fields in the broad area of Macroeconomics. His research papers are published in leading international academic journals such as the Journal of Political Economy, the Review of Economic Studies, the Journal of Monetary Economics, and the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. Throughout his career, he has supervised numerous Ph.D. students whose job placement includes prestigious institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania, and The University of Toronto, among others.
Selected Publications
Erosa, A., Fuster, L., and Kambourov, G., “Towards a Micro Founded Theory of Aggregate Labor Supply,’’ Review of Economic Studies, 2016.
Erosa, A., Koreskova, T., and Restuccia, D. "How Important is Human Capital? A Quantitative Theory of World Income Distribution”. Review of Economic Studies, 2010.
Cavalcanti, R., Erosa, A., and Temzelides, T. "Private Money and Reserve Management in a Random Matching Model”. Journal of Political Economy, 1999.
Recent Research
Erosa, A., Fuster, L., Kambourov, G., and Rogerson, R. "Hours, Occupations, and Gender Differences in Labor Market Outcomes". American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2022.
Erosa, A., Fuster, L., Kambourov, G., and Rogerson R., "Labor Supply and Occupational Choice", NBER Working Paper 30492, 2022.
Allub, L., and Erosa, A. "Financial Frictions, Occupational Choice, and Economic Inequality". Journal of Monetary Economics, 2019.
Erosa, A., and González, B. "Taxation and the Life Cycle of Firms”. Journal of Monetary Economics, 2019.
Macroeconomía I, Macroeconomía Avanzada I (PhD), Macroeconomía I (PhD)